Xia Xi

Xia Xi


Education and Experience

Ms. Xi XIA graduated from China Foreign Affair University with the Bachelor of Laws degree in 2005. Ms. Xi XIA worked in Broad &Bright Law Firm for 13 years, then joining Sunland Law in 2019. Her Working Language is Chinese and English.


Practice Area

During the over 10 years practicing experience, Ms. Xi XIA gave assistance on various of transnational corporations and Chinese companies in merger control filings, antitrust investigations, antitrust compliance as well as international trade. Ms. Xi XIA has significant experience in merger control filings and antitrust investigations and she gave assistance to clients in many global M&A projects, coordinated the antitrust filings in major jurisdictions around the world, such as the EU and the US. Ms. Xi XIA has extensive involvement and experience in the fields of antitrust, she has represented many influential and high profile cases, including:

In 2008, Inbev/Amnheuser-Busch (the first conditional approved case in China);

In 2009, Coco-cola/Huiyuan (the first forbidden case in China), which is one of the most complicated filings in China;

From 2011-2013, three of four cases related to the “hold separate” remedy in China;

- Seagate/Samsung, obtaining the release of “hold separate” remedy in 2015, which is the first case obtaining the complete release of “hold separate” remedy;

- Marubeni/Gavilon;

- MediaTek Inc./MStar Cayman

In 2014, Merck/AZ, the conditional approved case with the fastest review period (obtaining the approval in Phase II);

In 2015, NXP/ Freescale, the first conditional approved case where the “upfront buyer” situation was involved in the divestment remedy.

Google’s release partial remedies in Google/Motorola, which is the first published case involved the release of remedies;  

In 2017, five of seven conditional approved cases;

In 2018, the first conditional approved case by SAMR after the re-organization of Chinese antitrust authorities.

In addition, Ms. Xi XIA also has experience in the international trade area. She published <Overview Introduction of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations against China by Canada > in 2011, and participated in responding the US, Canada and China’s anti-dumping cases and anti-subsidy cases with the multinational and Chinese companies.

Contact Information:

Email Address: xi_xia@sunlandlaw.com

Telephone :+86 10-6460 9388